Dad Without Borders

Ex Military Policeman & Inspired Father Supporting Dads

Episode Summary

This episode starts with a brief update as today is the due date of our baby boy (my third son). I then get into conversation with Eric Taylor aka The Breastfeeding Father, an ex military man who is now studying clinical psychology with a focus on children and adolescents. Eric is based in Canada with his wife and baby, but it also has a young daughter living in the USA. Covid has been incredibly challenging for them with a long period of separation between him and his daughter. We talk about international parenting, the role of the father with new borns and babies, supporting Mothers breastfeeding, the importance of understanding and forgiving his father, engaging with a child in a long distance relationship, the need for more information for Dads in their role in the child and parent relationship, and more. This is a great conversation for any Dads (or Moms), wondering about their role as fathers, especially with young children. There were some great reminders for me, as I prepare to welcome our son to the world and get ready to support the Mom in child birth and postpartum. Please enjoy! Please enjoy! LIKE, SHARE and FOLLOW these pages: Instagram: Facebook: Website: